Reiki Healing & Meditation that’s passionate about helping you stay grounded. Namaste.
Truly “Know Thyself”
Center to the great teachings is the concept of knowing thyself. Simply thinking about yourself or going to therapy is not enough. You need reflections, or feedback, from the external world to see the truth of how you are actually showing up. If in your head you see yourself as a popular person that everyone likes, yet you feel lonely and find yourself not being invited anywhere, it’s the reflection from the world that reveals the truth of how you are. We must be willing to expose and explore our deepest shadows to find our more brilliant light—seeking only love and light will merely lead to a sugarcoated shell. This requires great courage to see the truth, and is why most are not ready to begin the real work.
Discover a practice that makes you
S · P · A · C · I · O · U · S
An Embodied Approach to Spirituality
Most people use spiritual teachings to escape from life or to avoid their shadow. They cannot accept what-is and instead judge life. This results in a fundamental internal conflict, with desires to ‘ascend’ and ‘transcend the body’, which for many is really code for ‘not dealing with life’. This can never result in peace as a rejection of the body is a rejection of reality, and thus a rejection of life. If we wish to move beyond the limits of out conditionings, we must go through, not around. We must affirm life, accept the body, and go into the feelings—not bypass with a ‘spiritualized’ ego.
With a variety of styles and formats to match your goals
Not all reiki healing and meditation is made the same, which is why we’ve created a dynamic selection of classes and reiki healing sessions. Whether you’re looking for a full chakra balance flow or a relaxing meditation, we’ve got the options you need to balance your practice.
Wisdom arose through doing what actually works, not sitting on a cushion in an ivory tower theorizing. These are true spiritual teachings vetted through embodied facilitation where results were experienced, not just hoped for or required belief in. All spiritual teaching must be practical and lead to real results in life, ergo, it is useful. Our desire is to help you heal, grow, have great abundance, and create a better life for yourself and those you love, not memorize the orientation of planets or become fluent in to have a thriving life.
Holistic Healing